Friday, December 31, 2010

Certainly nobody likes bad news.

Who wants to be constantly reminded that our nation is entrenched in at least two wars and carrying out untold other military adventures around the globe, spending Trillions of dollars we don’t have, makings god knows how many new enemies who will grow up with their sole wish to exact revenge on the United States?

Who wants to read about America's new vast security culture which is so widespread and so interwoven that no one really knows how big it is or what all it entails? Who wants to hear that our own government is collecting data on us with every email, every phone call, every credit card transaction and every punch of a keyboard?

How depressing would it be to learn that the U.S. government’s terrorist watch list includes 440,000 people, none of whom can get information as to why they are on the list or how they can be removed from the list?

Most Americans, it seems, don't want to consider that our national debt, currently approaching $14 Trillion, even as we shred social programs, education, and anything that benefits our own people Congress silently slides another $725 Billion for more war spending in fiscal year 2011.

People who were unhappy with the direction the U.S. was going under Bush can now see that the man people clamored to looking for HOPE and CHANGE is ultimately about business as usual. They now realize that it doesn't matter if you have a farmer, an actor, a lawyer, a hayseed baseball team owner or a suave, charismatic, worldly community organizer in the White House, the policies change very little and, in some cases, may actually go in the opposite direction expected.

It just seems like too much to consider. People feel helpless, impotent, scared or just disinterested and so most people choose not to talk about it, speak out against it, challenge it or even acknowledge it.

It's so much easier to zone out on a "reality" show, follow a celebrity's demise (and inevitable come back), play games on the computer or "socialize" on Facebook.

For all those who'd just rather not even think about all this, here you go-- something special to ring in the New Year. Enjoy!

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